Briana, the first grader and I tutor and I chillin

Briana, the first grader and I tutor and I chillin

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dear God, Thanks for the food...for real. Amen.

"Give us this day our daily bread."
  Matthew 6:11

As a kid growing up in America I assumed everyone had health insurance, a bed and went to the dentist every 6 months. Even after exposure to poverty in 3rd world countries and as a social worker it is hard to wrap my mind around the needs in my neighborhood. Especially when the children chat about sharing beds with multiple siblings or sleep on a couch due to a lack of space. In my neighborhood I can't explain away the reason these conditions exists with...."well it is because this is Mexico", or "this is just a client I work with". Simply, I have to face it and frankly it weighs on me.

However, my neighbors have taught me the richness in simple living and sobered me through the way they say grace at meals before they pray. Have you ever said grace with a family who may question where their next meal will come from? I have and it changes you.

It was several weeks ago and a Mexican family invited me to eat tostadas with them for lunch. As we bowed our heads to say grace, my Latina friend paused and offered the most sincere prayer I ever heard someone pray for a meal. It made me evaluate my own prayer life. She truely thanked God for the food from a heart that viewed this meal as a gift from God, not a given. This was not the rote prayer  I often pray about the food and it left me convicted. I don't worry about having my next meal. It is an expectation that I will eat is not an 'if I will' but with who and when. In so many ways I take for granted what God richly provides me and I don't view eating my food as a true gift from God. I want to.  I also don't want to pray rote prayers for my food anymore. Oh Lord, teach us how to pray...give us this day our daily bread. It is truely a gift. Amen.

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