Eating Watermelon one Bite at a Time
Below is a video of the Watermelon show, a highly entertaining infomercial which explains the proper way to devour a melon produced by three spunky girls.Glitter, Apologizing with Flare
One. Maybe two if they are little.That is how many people fit in the papason chair.
When my bookshelf suffered a lethal blow due to the instability of the overflowing chair, a rule had to be made. To be fair, I am partly to blame. Caught up in my exuberance I invited 8 children and 3 adults to my one bedroom apartment after church to watch a movie. Out of this experience I have learned two valuable lessons:
1. If there are more than 4 children in my home, they will try to steal barbecue sauce from my fridge, scare my cat and things will go south. For the love of all that is good in this world, remember the number 4.
2. Go to the park after sitting in church. Set the children free.
After breaking my flimsy $30 dollar bookshelf, several hours later the girls responsible left a peace offering at my stoop. do you say, "I am sorry I broke your bookshelf?". A card?
A random abandoned piece of wood covered in nail polish and glitter sparkles.
In a way, their quirky present reminds me of the gospel. Unexpected beauty emerging out of brokenness. Jesus, full of glory, who died for us on a rugged wooden cross.