Briana, the first grader and I tutor and I chillin

Briana, the first grader and I tutor and I chillin

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Will you twitter me?

"Jenny, will you twitter me?" inquired the random kid in my neighborhood.
To which I replied, "Um, you mean tutor you?"
"Yeah, tutor me. I need help with my homework," she quipped.

In my community, this is a common question I am asked by kids and parents alike, which speaks to the need. Fortunately, just as one twitter or tutoring program lost funding, Community Hope, an academic mentoring program through the YMCA,  offered to help out my neighborhood. It is through this program I met Briana.

Briana, is a spunky Kindergartner I mentored twice a week this year,  who is also my neighbor who's home I can see from my porch. She is addicted to Takis, knows most of the words to the Taylor Swift song Blank Space, wears high heels and carries around my cat. During mentoring we pray together, share snacks and had a spontaneous dance party in the hallway when she read her first book.

Though this program has greatly helped kids academically, the reality is there is a constant wait list of students who are yet to receive the help they need.

Attached is a few pictures of Briana along with a short video from the end of the year banquet for Community Hope featuring some awesome dance moves.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

It takes a village to raise a child...or pick strawberries

11 kids + 6 friends + 2 moms from my apartment complex + a couple of prayers =
                                                                                tearing up a berry field one bite basket at a time

                                                    Short clip from our strawberry picking

The strawberry picking crew :-)