Briana, the first grader and I tutor and I chillin

Briana, the first grader and I tutor and I chillin

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow, Hills and My Cat eats Tortillas

A few weeks ago a third grader taught me how to make tortillas. The chaos maybe resulted in my fire alarm going off Sunday at 8am and dough in my carpet. In conclusion, it was a glorious memory making fail. However, several days later I did catch my cat raiding the left over tortillas. He is working on his cultural competency.
Today was the long anticipated snow day I prayed for. The excitement was partly due to the snow but also,  as Julia Andrews would attest, "the hills are alive" in these parts. They are so killer I catch kids on sunny days sliding down them on old pizza boxes. Now I can personally testify with snow and ice they are as magical as I envisioned. Neighborhood folks and I slid down them on any random item we could find ranging from varying types of cardboard,  a popped blow-up mattress, plastic pails, a boogie boards and aluminum pans.

Check out snow day video here...