Over the break, the kids came over for a Happy Birthday Jesus party. We sang, wrote Jesus with a sharpie on Happy Birthday plates and took turns reading the Christmas Story from a children's bible. We finished the night by watching Elf. Here is a picture with some of them smiling because smiling is our favorite.
I love to hear the kids pray. Often they pray for my cat. However, as silly as it sounds, I believe God hears their prayers cause he is their father. He really does care about the small things that are close to their hearts. Even my crazy cat.
As the kids get more comfortable praying, we have changed up saying grace. I use to ask for a volunteer to pray, but now they often all volunteer. It didn't seem fair that only one person got to say something to God so now we all take turns saying a prayer before we eat.
On Sunday, one of the girls thanked God for the things he lets us borrow 'cause all things are his anyway. Good reminder for me that all we have is on loan and to be a good steward of what he has entrusted in my care.
Last Friday I had the girls crash for a slumber party. It involved an oversized blow-up mattress, hot dogs and giggling at lights out. Lots of it. We maybe watched the sing-along version of Frozen with the pop up lyrics. So, in short we "Let it go" over and over again. If you think of it pray for my neighbors as I am sure they were ready for us to let it go once and for all. Please enjoy a piece of the night on us... Here is a video of us letting it go....