Tonight I feel safe. My neighbor George said he would beat off bad guys to save me. He is 4 and has a ninja turtle sword. For the record, he needs to work on his hide and go seek skills. I found him every time. We both like pizza.
George has a blue face from eating a Batman popsicle
Last Sunday, nine of us spontaneously clapped around my table to give my fire alarm some lovin'. This is the first Sunday it has been quiet for weeks. Most Sunday mornings the sheer smell of breakfast makes it excited about life.
Last week after church we hosted a Easter Egg hunt (
video about easter egg hunt) at the playground and pastor Frank Moreno shared about the meaning of Easter.
My favorite moment from the hunt happened after it ended. Oscar, a kid visiting church with us arrived late. He sprang from his car waiting to get in the action though it didn't take him long to realize the hunt was over. They started to drive off.
Wait.Then it gets good.
Four words. Mileydi to the rescue.
Mileydi, a feisty girl who regularly attends church with us, suggests to all the kids to give some of their eggs to Oscar. So, we flagged down the car and spontaneously a handful of kids ran to the crying boy in the backseat each passing him several of their own prized eggs. One kid ended up with no eggs at the close of the hunt as he had given away all his eggs to others.
How sweet to see these kids demonstrate love, sacrificial love, to a tearful kid who had nothing. What a picture of the gospel this Easter season. God gave something precious for us, his very life, to us who had nothing.
"but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8